Thursday 13 May 2010

Ecclesial equivalent of the ash cloud?

Those who have been grounded and prevented from leaving EF-land by that ecclesial equivalent of the Icelandic ash cloud (no, I am not going to try to spell the name of the volcano, let alone pronounce it) called "traditional Catholicism" (some time ago I tried on this blog to arrive at a definition of the charism of the traditionalist movement) are celebrating the Ascension today. Today is, of course, the "right day" for that - which begs the question of how the "right day" for the celebration of any Liturgical feast is decided.

A few in OF-land are taking the annual opportunity to berate the episcopate for transferring the celebration of the feast to Sunday; most probably haven't noticed any thing to complain about.

In OF-land, or at least that part of it for which Brentwood Diocese is the home diocese, today is the Diocesan Memorial of St Erconwald, secondary patron of the Diocese.  A happy feast day to my fellow members of Brentwood Diocese, and particularly to the residents of Barking, a town associated with St Erconwald through its connection with his sister, St Ethelburga.

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