Monday, 20 July 2009

Pope Benedict's wrist ..

I was away from home when Pope Benedict slipped and broke his wrist.

The reports of him waiting his turn in A&E (ER for American readers?), and in X-ray, rather reminded me of an item in the daily bulletin of the Synod of Bishops' meeting on the Eucharist. This took place in October 2005, soon after Pope Benedict's election. Pope Benedict introduced some changes to the way the Synod ran - including, for example, the daily period of "free contributions" when Bishops could have a short slot to raise any points they wanted. He also introduced a daily bulletin which reported the substance of these "free contributions" each day, along with other news of the Synod.

I recall one day when the bulletin recorded apologies from the Holy Father as he would have to leave an hour early at the end of the day - for a dentist's appointment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Holy Father is fortunate to be in a job where he gets time off to go to dental appointments!