Saturday, 17 April 2010

Mary and the Resurrection of the Lord

This is the title of one of the Masses for Eastertide, in the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As I am always willing to say, if a parish has the custom of celebrating a Saturday Mass of Our Lady, it seems to me entirely appropriate that during liturgical seasons such as Lent and Easter they should celebrate one of these Masses. If you aren't able to make it to Mass, the concluding prayer from the Mass could be used to make up a votive office at Morning Prayer.

The Mass of "Mary and the Resurrection of the Lord" is probably appropriate for early in the Easter Season (you can't really get any earlier than the Saturday of the second week of Easter). As the preface indicates, the Mass celebrates Mary's waiting in faith for the moment of the Resurrection.
At the resurrection of your Anointed One
you filled the heart of the Blessed Virgin
with joy beyond all telling
and wonderfully exalted her faith.

For it was in faith
that she conceived your Son,
it was in faith
that she awaited his resurrection.

In the strength of faith
she waited for that day of light and life
when the night of death would be ended,
the whole world would exult,
and the infant Church tremble with joy
at seeing again its immortal Lord.

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