Thursday 27 August 2009

Senator Edward Kennedy

I think it is more my parents generation who will have had a real sense of the contribution of the Kennedy family on the American and on the international stage. In a very real sense, I didn't "know them"; for me, they are part of the past. I have therefore been keeping an eye out for coverage of Senator Kennedy's death that gives a genuine assessment of his life and its relation to Catholic teaching.

This is one post at Young Fogeys - follow the link in it, and read the comments as well. It does suggest that, whilst there might be some aspects of Senator Kennedy's political activity that merit praise, there is a need to avoid unqualified approbation.

I will update this post when I find other links that allow a proper evaluation of Senator Kennedy's death.

UPDATE: This is ZENIT's report of an Osservatore Romano article.


Anonymous said...

Zero says
Don't sit there for hours looking at obituaries and his voting record and ordering books on Amazon!

Anonymous said...

It would be more beneficial to plan another long walk!