Sunday 18 May 2008

Extended Days of Eucharistic Adoration: Day 3

The third day of our "Forty Hours" adoration was the Saturday, and had the theme "The Vigil of Mary". This is the name of the icon, shown, from the Ark of the New Covenant designed as part of the preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress. The origins of the icon are Romanian, and it reflects the devotions of the Eastern Churhces.

The Mass that we celebrated yesterday morning was the Mass of "The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Resurrection of the Lord", from the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Preface captures very well the sense of the Virgin Mary awaiting the Resurrection of the Lord.

At the resurrection of your Anointed One
you filled the heart of the Blessed Virgin
with joy beyond all telling
and wonderfully exalted her faith.

For it was in faith
that she conceived your Son,
it was in faith
that she awaited his resurrection.

In the strength of faith
she waited for that day of light and life
when the night of death would be ended,
the whole world would exult,
and the infant Church tremble with joy
at seeing again its immortal Lord.

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