Sunday 13 April 2008

BBC News website coverage of Vocations Sunday

I have just watched a video clip on the BBC's news website. It is an interview with Fr Paul Embury and Fr Joe Silver, broadcast in connection with the vocations campaign being run here in the UK for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. It is well worth a look. Follow the links from, or try searching for "BBC News Player - Recruitment drive for priests". I think Fr Paul and Fr Joe do quite a good job, and certainly communicated a good impression.

One might have asked for a better argued response to the suggestion by one of the interviewers of women priests and married priests than "we have to do what the Pope says, almost", and a more complete description of the personal qualities expected of prospective priests. But in other respects Fr Paul and Fr Joe projected a confidence in their own priesthood. They were willing to talk about the "counter cultural" nature of permanent commitment and celibacy in today's world.

Not having a TV, I do not know the names of the male and female interviewers, and can't find these on the clip. However, both interviewers were very courteous. The male interviewer particularly impressed me by asking questions that showed a genuine understanding of the nature of vocation within Catholicism.

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